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Your Vote Can Divide, Your Vote Can Unite – YOU CHOOSE!
Every country faces different societal challenges. That’s why all over Europe we find different ways of campaigning against racism and discrimination in course of the EP elections in May 2014. Our four partner organisations from France, Greece, Hungary and Italy introduce their approaches for the common goal: A European Parliament free from racism and xenophobia.
In France, it is important to raise awareness among minorities about the EU elections and the role of the EU in addressing equality and antiracism issues. Les Indivisibles’ campaign in a local area near Paris aims to inform voters and increase their turn out.
In Greece, young people of migrant background born and/ or raised in Greece, the so called Second Generation, do not have voting rights, since they are not granted Greek citizenship. Generation’s 2.0 for Rights, Equality and Diversity goal is to raise awareness among Europeans about this lack of civic rights and ask Greeks to vote for them as well.
Increasing the visibility of Roma in Hungary would help them reaffirm their position as a significant group of voters in the EU. Foundation of Subjective Values aims to inform Roma community about the EU elections and increase their participation.
Young voters in Italy do not have much awareness of the issue of racism. Associazione Trepuntozero and CIE Piemonte aim to raise awareness among low-income youth, including those of migrant background, and encourage them to vote.
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