Policy work

UNITED regularly contributes to human rights policy debates at the European and national levels through its expert input and policy recommendations developed during our activities. We have delivered policy input on multiple areas including anti-racism, climate justice, youth participation and North-South cooperation. To find out more about our recent projects, check out here and our news page

UNITED Delegates programme

UNITED, in its advocacy work, partners with a pool of experts and young activists who act as the ambassadors of the network and represent them at various local and international meetings, conferences and events organized by international NGOs and intergovernmental organizations.

Their mission is to vocalize the diverse and experienced organizations that constitute our network and often point out the lack of attention given to our specific, value based topics. 

Through the UNITED Delegates programme, the secretariat with the help of advocacy experts and trainers, nurture productive relationships with various organizations, make new connections and partnerships with key stakeholders, and allow for more accessibility and visibility for the network. We prefer to send young people or minority representatives to participate and give their unique perspective to the discussion, and ensure that the voice of the European antiracist movement is heard at the highest decision making level in Europe. 

Are you interested in becoming a UNITED delegate?

Join us by filling the form here, and we will get in touch!

Delegate Interest form

  • Please check all that apply! It is important to know what type of meetings you are interested in.
  • Please check all that apply! It is important to know what type of meetings you are interested in.
  • Please check all that apply
  • Conferences, Campaigns, Trainings, Internships, etc

Would you like to support the work of UNITED?

Visit the supporters page on ways to contribute to the mission of UNITED. 

By compiling the form to become a UNITED delegate, you agree to receive UNITED news and updates concerning delegations and the Network.