The Fatal Policies of Fortress Europe
No More Refugee Deaths! Time for Change!
20 June 2014 International Refugee Day
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Since 1993, UNITED has been monitoring the fatal results of the policies summarized as the building of Fortress Europe and compiled them in the ‘List of Deaths’. Between 1993 and 2014, more than 20.000 deaths were caused by border militarisation, asylum laws, detention policies and deportations. Most probably, 1000s more deceased refugees are never found. The fatal results already reach the daily news: bodies that surface on European shores, stowaways found in the back of a truck, or asylum seekers who kill themselves because of hard living conditions and depressions stemming from the long and lingering asylum claim decisions. These are the consequences when Europe shuts its doors and eyes. Our message has been the same over the years – with increasingly higher numbers – each unnecessary death is one too many. How many more persons must die before something will CHANGE? We need to wake up policy-makers and show them the human costs of their decisions.
The ‘Fatal Policies of Fortress Europe’ is an on-going campaign of the UNITED network against the deadly consequences of the building of Fortress Europe. The aim of this campaign is to raise public attention and denounce the exclusionist policies of the EU. With the help of media and the general public it is possible to force European politicians to reconsider European immigration policies and to develop a human vision on migration.
On the 50th anniversary of the Geneva Convention in 2001, the United Nations General Assembly declared 20 June as World Refugee Day. UNITED aims to highlight refugee issues on this day through activities at all levels: local, national and European. We call upon all organisations to take part in this campaign. Visit the campaign site and Facebook page for regular updates, news, tips and ideas how to get involved. Without concrete action, these tragic death tolls of Fortress Europe will continue to rise. It is Time for Change.
Join our protest against the fatal policies of Fortress Europe, leading to the death of desperate people looking for a safe refuge. We must make sure that all these deaths are known and mourned! And above all, we must make sure that these policies stop! Act now!
You can order (*) free material for your local actions around the 20 June International Refugee Day. Order now, so the material can arrive before 20 June!
Please fill the online order form or send an email to
(*) campaign material can only be posted to European countries