“Information Leaflet Hate Crimes In The OSCE Region” now available

— OSCE/ ODIHR and United Leaflet —
— For more information refer to http://hatecrime.osce.org —

Civil Society Contributions to OSCE-ODIHR Hate Crime Reporting website

The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and United for Intercultural Action published this leaflet together. This leaflet is available in English and Russian. You can download digital copies or order paper copies.


Civil society plays a crucial role in monitoring and reporting hate crimes. Data provided by civil society groups and organisations form an important part os OSCE-ODIHR’s hate crime data collection and offer indispensable context to participating States’ reporting on hate crimes.

OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) helps raise awareness of hate crimes among civil society and international organisations. It provides information about the characteristics of hate crimes and their impact on the stability and security of the community. ODIHR also supports civil society efforts to monitor and report hate crimes, NGO’s outreach efforts in their communities and foster relationships between community groups and law enforcement so that victims feel confident to report crimes. ODIHR also encourages civil society advocacy for better hate crime laws.

The purpose of this Info Leaflet is to explain the information that ODIHR needs from civil society organisations and groups (CSOs) in order to be included in hatecrime.osce.org, and to provide links to further information about ODIHR’s work on hate crime.