OSCE-ODIHR (Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights) are reaching out to civil society organisations to contribute data for their annual report on hate crimes in the OSCE region. The OSCE-ODIHR hate crime reporting data is released each year on 16 November, marking International Tolerance Day. It brings together data from governments and civil society organisations in 57 OSCE participating states.
Civil society organisations wishing to make a submission are requested to do so by 30 April 2016. Full details are available on the ODIHR hate crime reporting website.
Additionally, ODIHR are seeking comments on the way the organisation collects and presents hate crime data on our website. They invite civil society representatives to give feedback by filling out their short survey.
OSCE-ODIHR has a long history of collaboration with the UNITED network, including an infoleaflet on civil society responses to hate crime published in 2014.