UNITED Press Release 28-04-2016
They take our jobs. They put pressure on our social services. They bring war, disease and uncivilised social practices. They degrade our culture and threaten our societies. Everything was better before they arrived…
On 22-27 April, a European conference took place near Torino, Italy, organised by UNITED for Intercultural Action against Fascism, Nationalism and Racism and in Support for Migrants and Refugees. 80 participants representing 68 organisations from 29 European countries came together to challenge the current narrative on migration.
This is for sure not an easy task but with the contribution of experts from Italian and European institutions as well as the testimonies of migrants and refugees themselves, we have illustrated the differences between the narrative and the actual facts and have disrupted the rhetoric on migration.
The main purpose of the conference was to actually train the participants on how to implement what they have learnt into their local context, because as Michaël Privot, President of the European Network Against Racism (ENAR), said: “We have to embody the counter narrative we propose in our everyday lives”.
Info: www.unitedagainstracism.org
Contact: Jonathan Karstadt jonathan@unitedagainstracism.org
This event has been made possible with support of the Council of Europe (European Youth Foundation), the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, and the EU-Russia Civil Society Forum.
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