A new group of organisations working in the Roma rights sphere was launched on 5 July. The Alliance against Antigypsism launched with the publication of a new reference paper on antigypysism.
The reference paper proposes a working definition of antigypsyism, that reflects a broad but systematic understanding of the phenomenon. The paper explores characteristics and background of antigypsyism, as well as the dimensions along which it manifests itself.
As well as providing a comprehensive definition of the antigypsism phenomenon, the reference paper points out the widespread acceptance of antigypsyism in mainstream society, and the obstacle that this presents to groups trying to fight it. As the Alliance writes:
Antigypsyism is not only widespread, but also deeply entrenched in social and cultural attitudes and institutional practice. This makes the challenge of tackling it both more urgent and more difficult. Antigypsyism is like a continuous headwind. ‘Roma inclusion’ will remain illusory as long as we do not confront the headwind itself.
The Alliance against Antigypsyism has been conceived as a coalition of organisations working in the field of Roma rights and antiracism that occasionally convene to work on common projects to address antigypsyism in European societies. The aim of the Alliance is to advance a better understanding of antigypsyism in Europe.
More than 80 organisations from all over Europe have already joined the alliance, and interested organisations are invited to join by filling in a form on the website. UNITED is among the 72 launching members.