Across Europe, we are experiencing great difficulties. At a time when we should be uniting in the face of common problems, our societies are becoming more and more fractured and divided. How can the European antiracist movement react to this situation, and promote an atmosphere of conviviality, inclusiveness and solidarity?
These vital questions of nation-building and national reconciliation are the key themes of the next UNITED conference, for which nominations are still open! Entitled “Living Together: Transform a divided past into our common future”, the conference will take place from 26-31 October near Ohrid, MK. The deadline for applications is 15 August. Read below for more details, or visit the upcoming conference page on the UNITED website.
Living together: Transform a divided past into our common future
Our lives as a community depend on how we can handle cultural, social and ethnic differences, and make strength out of diversity. Our success as nations depends on how we can learn from the experiences of our ancestors and not repeat the same mistakes again and again. When we select our leaders, we must pick them carefully, avoiding those that wish to set segments of society against each other, or appear to be fighting against imaginary or selected enemies instead of working for the best interests of all. As societies, we must come up with better visions and strategies for Living Together, and learn to accept that although this is not always easy, it is necessary.
When it comes to political participation, Europeans seem disinterested and detached. Many feel a sense of powerlessness because politicians fail to hear their fears and concerns about different issues, including immigration. Right-wing populists and extremist groups have been successful in appealing to people’s general sense of dissatisfaction and build a narrative based on prejudice, nationalism and anti-European sentiments. Incidents of hate speech and hate crime targeting migrants and minority groups are happening more frequently across Europe, leading to more fear and concerns.
In such times in which Europe is still grappling with the painful realities of oppression and racial injustice of a divided past, there is a need for European human rights activists to join forces to address critical topics such as ‘Ethnic Privilege’ and ‘Cultural Dominance’. We should refresh our memories by listening to testimonies, discuss historical developments and repeated mistakes in order to mobilise against discrimination and set actions for a model that guarantees not only social cohesion and coexistence but also justice and reconciliation.
To achieve this, UNITED invites activists from antidiscrimination organizations to join the conference in Ohrid, MK, where we will work together to find common strategies to address the situation.
This conference is prepared by:
* ASSAM-Association for Solidarity with Asylum Seekers and Migrants
* CID Center for Intercultural Dialogue
* KISA – Action for Equality, Support, Anti-racism
* Refugees Welcome Greece
* STUBE – Ost. Das Studienbegleitprogramm für Internationale Studierende in Mitteldeutschland
* Útilapu Hálózat – SCI Hungary
* UNITED for Intercultural Action
This event is made possible with the financial support of:
* European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe
* Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission
The information contained herein does not necessarily reflect the position nor the opinion of our sponsors. Sponsors are not to be held responsible for any use that may be made of it.