UNITED E-News – July/August 2016

Dear Colleagues,

For the summer months we’ve just a short E-News for you, with the latest updates from our #LifeSeekers campaign and a reminder to submit your nominations for the upcoming UNITED conference, as well as some interesting news from our network organisations.

Over the summer, UNITED will continue to coordinate the #LifeSeekers campaign. If you have not already signed up as a supporter of the campaign, please do so at www.lifeseekers.org. We also request your support for the Thunderclap campaign to promote the campaign, which you can join at this link. Through the Thunderclap app, a joint message will be sent on social media to mark International Youth Day on 12 August. Please join the Thunderclap at this link, and share with your friends, colleagues and your organisation’s social media followers. If you want to know more about how the Thunderclap works, you can read our introduction to it here.

Thanks for all your support, and we wish you all a very pleasant summer.

Best greetings and stay UNITED!

News from UNITED

[conference logo]Reminder: Nominations still open for UNITED network conference near Ohrid, MK
The UNITED network conference “Living Together: Transform a divided past into our common future” will take place from 26-31 October near Ohrid, MK. The deadline for applications is 15 August. Read more …
[LifeSeekers]Join the #LifeSeekers campaign
From June until September, UNITED is coordinating the #LifeSeekers campaign in partnership with the EU-Russia Civil Society Forum. #LifeSeekers is a campaign for a new approach to problems facing young people in Europe today. We want policy-makers to take positive action to solve these problems and to stop blaming migrants and refugees. Whether or not we are asylum-seekers, we are all Life Seekers, who want the freedom and
power to shape our own futures. Read more …
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News from the Network

[Alliance against antigypsyism]Alliance against antigypsyism launches
A new group of organisations working in the Roma rights sphere was launched on 5 July. Read more …

[Minority Rights]MRG publishes annual report on minority rights
UNITED network organisation Minority Rights Group International (MRG) has today published its flagship annual report on the situation faced by members of minority and marginalised groups around the world. Read more …
[EESC]EESC prize 2016 focuses on migrant integration
The EESC 2016 prize will reward initiatives carried out by civil society organisations and/or individuals and aimed at improving migrants’ lives and fostering their integration in society. Deadline for applications is 9 September. Read more …
[XminY]XminY offer grants for local actions
Dutch-based fund XminY is offering grants to grassroots organisations to coordinate direct actions aimed at fighting for a fair, democratic, sustainable and tolerant world. Projects that are supported by XminusY can take place on a broad variety of topics. But more important then the topic, is that the people involved take action themselves to change their own
Read more …
[SharingPerspectives]Sharing Perspectives Foundation launches refugee education project
European Refuge(es) is SPF’s new virtual exchange programme to be implemented in the spring semester of 2017. The aim of this programme is to bring together refugee and European youth across Europe to discuss what it means to be a european citizen. Jointly they develop a counter narrative to combat stigmatisation and foster mutual understanding. Read more … [pdf]
Does your organisation have news for UNITED to publish on the website/ announce in the monthly UNITED E-News? Let us know by writing to info@unitedagainstracism.org (note: we will prioritise news from partners and registered supporters of the UNITED network – click here to find out how to become a supporter).

Any events or activities focusing on topics relevant to the UNITED network can be announced via the online form for publication in UNITED’s online Calendar of Internationalism.

What’s Next?

[UNITED logo]We will continue to promote the #LifeSeekers campaign online over the summer, as well as at various summer festivals. Make sure you follow UNITED on social media for full updates.

We are also continuing our work planning for the October conference in Ohrid, MK. Make sure you nominate for the conference by 15 August!

Finally, we are planning for the upcoming 9 November International Day Against Fascism and Antisemitism Campaign. Look out for the official announcement of the campaign after the summer.