UNITED’s Balint Josa and Geert Ates presented UNITED campaigns and discussed future collaboration with the European Coalition of Cities Against Racism (ECCAR) at the ECCAR General Assembly in Rotterdam on 17-18 November.
With populism and anti-migrant sentiment on the rise across Europe, the organisers of the General Assembly sought to provide a platform for NGOs and city administrations to exchange best practices for tackling racism and populist narratives.
UNITED programme coordinator Balint Josa presented UNITED’s annual campaigns, as well as the #LifeSeekers campaign coordinated this year by UNITED in partnership with the EU-Russia Civil Society Forum, focusing on the ways that city administrations can participate. He and UNITED director Geert Ates encouraged many of the city representatives present to get involved in future UNITED campaigns, and agreed with ECCAR representatives to work even more closely on next year’s European Action Week Against Racism campaign.
ECCAR, a coalition of over 120 cities all over Europe, is the European affiliate of UNESCO’s International Coalition of Cities Against Racism (ICCAR).