The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) has opened its call for data on hate crimes in 2016, and calls on civil society organisations to submit data for the report. The deadline for submissions is 30 April 2017.
Every year on 16 November, International Tolerance Day, ODIHR releases its data on hate crimes and hate incidents. Their reporting provides an overview of hate crimes and incidents, and of responses by governments and civil society in the 57 OSCE participating States. Information provided by civil society is essential to their reporting, as it complements official data submitted by participating States.
Full information can be found at this link.
UNITED collaborates closely with OSCE-ODIHR on a number of projects and activities. Representatives of ODIHR recently organised a training for civil society representatives on hate crime response, which took place following the UNITED conference “Living Together: Transform a Divided Past into our Common Future” in Republic of Macedonia in October 2016.