Let’s say it louder: NEVER AGAIN!
Nowadays, as racism, right-wing populism and hate crimes are on the rise across Europe, civil society must concentrate all its efforts on stopping and reversing populist narratives and thus the spread of discrimination and bias-motivated violence.
For this year’s International Day Against Fascism and Antisemitism campaign, commemorating the ‘Kristallnacht’ on 9 November 1938, UNITED is organising a special poster competition and invites all its partner organisations and supporters to submit poster designs to contribute to spreading our campaign message.
Inspired by the message that singer Woody Guthrie placed on his guitar in 1941, “This Machine Kills Fascists”, which inspired many subsequent artists, we aim to spread the message that fascism and antisemitism can be “killed” with the joint effort of civil society.
We call upon members of the UNITED network and activists all over Europe to contribute to the campaign with their own ideas of powerful messages that inspire civil society to be active and stand firm against populist, fascist and antisemitic narratives.
For more details, click here.
Start planning your activities
9 November is now only a few weeks away, so if you haven’t already started planning your Day Against Fascism activities, now is the time! For inspiration, check the list of Best Practices on our website.
Don’t forget to use the campaign hashtags on social media: #NeverAgain #DayAgainstFascism #DayAgainstAntisemitism #StayUnited #9november.
Give visibility to your activities!
If you have a plan for your 9 November activities, let UNITED know by filling in this form, we will promote your activity on our website and via social media.