PICUM, the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants, has launched today a new manual on regularisations for children, young people and families which has been prepared by – and for – organisations working on advocating for mechanisms to regularise undocumented children, young people and families.
PICUM is a network of organisations working to ensure social justice and human rights for undocumented migrants in which UNITED is a member organisation and has been in cooperation for years.
Uncertain, precarious or irregular status has negative impacts on the health and well-being of children and young people. As well as facing the risk of being deported, undocumented children and young people have restricted access to further education, training, employment and vital services. Having an irregular or precarious status gives rise to issues around identity and belonging, and planning for the future, at a critical time in young people’s development.
The full manual is accompanied by a separate document including the executive summary and policy recommendations as well as Talking points to argue for regularisations for children, young people and families’ to support organisations who address the issue with decision makers and key stakeholders.
The publication outlines mechanisms to regularise status or access citizenship in Belgium, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Spain and United Kingdom.
The manual highlights key aspects of mechanisms and campaigns that have been found to be effective, as well as others that have been problematic or challenging. It aims to be a source of inspiration and reflection to support advocacy and technical level work on regularisations.
The launch of the manual coincides with a key EU level conference on children in migration where PICUM will also hold a workshop joined by several of its member organisations.
To view all publications, click here http://picum.org/publications/
Image: ©Justin Pogban. Córdoba Acoge. Photo taken by a young migrant in the context of a youth photo contest organised by the organisation Red Acoge.