The European Action Week Against Racism 2018 is now over. We want to thank everyone who got active during this year’s campaign and contributed to raising awareness on the issue of discrimination and to promoting diversity in Europe!
At the moment, more than 200 activities have been reported and added to our Interactive Map. More than 300.000 people have been reached on Facebook and more than 50.000 people have been reached on Twitter with our online campaign, while around 300 organisations have been personally contacted and encouraged to take part in the movement. We have managed TOGETHER to prove that diversity is beautiful and valuable, that there can be never enough of it. For that, we want to thank everyone!
Here are some Highlights from this year´s campaign:

March Against Racism
On March 17, Stand Up to Racism, together with other partner organisations, has coordinated marches around Europe to protest against racism and all other forms of discrimination as well as against international policies on migration. Demonstrations have been organized in Greece, UK, Ireland, Turkey, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, France, Germany, Austria and Denmark.
Diversity! Never Enough!

On the 21st of March 2018, SOS Malta performed a human chain together with other NGOs and the general public at the Triton Fountain in Valletta. During the human chain, they called on the government to take comprehensive, concrete and coherent action to tackle racial discrimination in Malta. SOS Malta also invited all schools in Malta and Gozo to encourage their students to stand hand in hand for diversity on the 21st March 2018 in the classroom, forming a human chain as a fun activity to get the children engaged with the subject. Information on the true meaning of diversity, why the 21st March and a ‘Hug our Classroom’ activity for teachers to use in class were sent out to all schools.

Antiracist Picnic & Movie Nights by Balkan Spot
Balkan Hotspot volunteers organised an antiracist picnic to say ‘stop’ to all racist approaches around the world and to get united through good food and fun games which was followed by movie nights next week. Balkan Hotspot volunteers held several movie nights between 18-24th of March in one of a most known cultural centres in Thessaloniki to stop diversity and to make people aware of racism.
‘Together for a better world’ Caravan
On 20th, 22nd, 23rd and 26th of March the Romanian Institute for Human Rights together with Adolescenta Foundation organized a series of dialogues with students on the topic of anti-discrimination in several schools in Ploiesti, Romania. The action was an educational Campaign to say no to racial discrimination and to encourage students to embrace tolerance and promote equality.
Intercultural Football Tournament
On March 17, 2018, the Intercultural Football Tournament by Verbund Sozialpädagogischer Projekte e.V. Dresden took place for the second time. A total of 10 teams were gathered and all young people between the ages of 14 and 27 played on this day. A colourful supporting program in the neighbouring Youth House Prohlis with music and culinary specialties from all over the world gave the event a festive character as well.
Are you not on the Activity Map?
At the UNITED Secretariat, we are now in the process of collecting information from participating organisations to contribute to our campaign report. If you organised an activity for the Week Against Racism but haven’t informed us about it, or if you want your activity/event to be among our best practices examples for next year, please fill in the online form here, tell us about your event and send us pictures! These details will be essential not only to select the Best Practices for this year, but also to improve our campaigns, as well as in estimating the reach of our campaign and reporting to our sponsors.
We hope you will join us next year again!
Until then, let’s #StayUNITED