Submit your data for OSCE/ODIHR annual hate crime report

The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) publishes hate crime data every year on 16 November. This provides an overview of hate crimes reported by governments and hate incidents reported by civil society, international organizations and the Holy See across the OSCE’s 57 participating States. Reporting by civil society is essential to our reporting, as it complements official data submitted and highlights potential under-recording of hate crimes by states.

It is now more important than ever to monitor and report hate incidents. Civil society contributions are an integral part of ensuring that the 57 participating States of the OSCE region fulfil their commitments to prevent hate crime and combat intolerance and discrimination.

OSCE/ODIHR is asking civil society groups to report incidents that happened during the 2017 calendar year by 15 July 2018.

Find out how to submit your data here, and you can find out more about ODIHR’s hate crime reporting in this short video.