Our Delegate, Shahab Saqib, presented a paper at the Law & Society Association Annual Conference 2023. The conference was held in San Juan (Puerto Rico) on the theme of “Separate and Unequal”.
Shahab explored and illuminated the connection between Race and Citizenship, by arguing further how racist doctrines use different mechanisms to sustain inequality. Shahab’s paper is forthcoming as Shahab Saqib, ‘Racism as Citizenship Personified: Ghosts of Racial Discrimination in International Law’ in Mohsin Al Attar, Ata Hindi and Claire Smith (eds), Emancipating International Law: Confronting the Violence of Racialised Boundaries (Oxford University Press, 2024).
More information about this event can be found at https://www.lawandsociety.org/sanjuan2023/
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