Huge success for the REFUGIN International Civic Forum!

REFUGIN online international civic forum

Huge success for the REFUGIN International Civic Forum!

On Wednesday 20th of September we had the pleasure to hold the International Civic Forum of the Refugin project , a huge success with many participants from all over Europe who had the chance to listen to our consortium experience, with the useful inputs by all the projects partners.
It was possible to discover what has been done but also to contribute with inputs and experiences during the parallel workshops, it was a very precious moment for us because it was the opportunity to widen and deepen our understanding of the different backgrounds and work related with the long term integration of young #refugees .

The event brought on thought-provoking discussions on crucial topics such as:
✅ Language barriers: A common challenge to all countries receiving refugee population. Focusing on how to mitigate it, different possibilities were mentioned, fostering non-verbal communication as the way to build interaction;
✅ Education: When looking at young refugee integration, education must be placed as a cornerstone, allowing the creation of community links, and enhancing long-lasting integration;
💬 The great variety of participants allowed us to uncover some best practices in the field of refugee integration, highlighting how everyone is equally important to this process, as sustained integration requires a collaborative efforts!

🔎Remember you can find out more about the project on the official website, watching this introductory video  and by getting in touch with us 🙂
This project has in fact achieved a lot already, but like this forum demonstrated, the contributions coming from people ad practitioners are always the most precious to significantly contribute to our work, so consider joining the forum!

Thanks again to all our project partners and to the participants who made it possible and see you at the next event! 💪#stayunited