Online International Seminar “Monitoring discrimination and racism in sport” – MONITORA PROJECT

November is a very special month to us, traditionally dedicated to campaigning and made even more special this year by the return of our beloved UNITED Conference in presence, which we deeply need in these times of turmoil.

💪Among the positive activist energy that we commit to spread in such adverse and painful times, there are also those that we keep perfusing in our ongoing projects and that allow us to work on deconstructing the forms of discrimination and violence that are the roots of many heinous conflicts.

⚽️One of these is certainly the #MONITORA project, for which we have just attended the Online International Seminar “Monitoring discrimination and racism in sport”. #MONITORA is a long-term and ambitious project of which we are proudly partner and that is coordinated by the Italian organisation Lunaria and that aims at tackling #racism and #discrimination in sport, with the purpose of better intercepting such phenomena in fields that are close to the everyday lives of many people.
📑The seminar gave us the chance to share the European report that has been produced, introduced by Marco Martiniello, Director of CEDEM (Centre d’Etudes de l’Ethnicité et des Migrations), University of Liège and Alessandro Mazzola, Research Associate at the University of Liège.
💡During the meeting there has also been the chance to discuss in working groups, finding ways to improve the monitoring in Sport at EU level, to further push the work of the project and to involve new feedbacks and inputs from the many participants.

To know more about the #MONITORA project you can visit the dedicated website  and get in touch with us to keep following the results of this amazing project.