On the 13th of November part of UNITED team attended the Dortmund conference “Youth work in Europe – Mission (im)possible?”. It was an inspiring and intense event which saw the participation of young people from nine European countries and eleven German municipalities ,as well as stakeholders and experts from Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania and Spain and that involved also a Ukrainian youth group, currently active in Munich from exile.
The symposium was organised by the International Association for Education and Exchange (IBB e.V.) in the framework of the European youth network “Generation Europe – The Academy”.
Thanks to this meeting it has been possible to discuss and develop possible solutions to some of the biggest dilemmas youth work is facing at the moment, in Europe and beyond. Overworking, underfunding, juggling from project proposal to project proposal…these were just some of the many issues tackled, together with the urgent need to reinforce youth work in times of war and other crises, despite the enormous challenges connected with sustainability and access to resources when trying to provide spaces for young people.
Taking advantage of the involvement of so many participants and experts it was also possible to dig deep into some of the most pressing topics affecting young people lives, such as mental health, inclusion, democracy, to which specific working groups were dedicated.
The conference will produce documents and commitments that we’re looking forward to access and to share, so we advise to check the full account of the event here , check the amazing video and get in touch with us to know more.