1st Online Piloting Session of the TV-RAT Assessment Tool of the R2COM Project

R2COM TV-RAT Piloting Session

We would like to invite you to be part of the piloting of a new vulnerability assessment tool, the Transitioning Vulnerabilities to Radicalisation Assessment Tool (TV-RAT), developed within the scope of the R2COM project.

This new assessment tool aims to aid civil society and after-care practitioners in assessing the vulnerability to radical beliefs and extremism engagement in post-release settings, following a non-securitised approach to assist case management.
To validate its content and ensure its relevance and usability, the TV-RAT will go through a piloting stage, composed of two online sessions, for which we are inviting you

The first session will take place on the 24th of January from 11:00 to 13:00 CET. The session will be held in English, and it will count on the presence of renowned experts on the prevention of radicalisation, as well as post-prison support, aiming to explain the rationale behind the tool and promote brief practical exercises.
If you are:
✅NGO professionals working with vulnerable persons, including newly-released ones
✅ P/CVE and Exit professionals
✅ Probation professionals

Consider joining us! All you need to do is filling out this form and get your registration link!

If you’re not sure to be suitable to join, do not hesitate to contact us and we’ll figure it out!
