OSCE Call for Civil Society Submissions on hate incidents

OSCE ODIHR Call for contribution sto hate crime report


Like every year, we invite our Network to actively contribute to OSCE call for Civil Society Submissions on hate incidents.

The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) publishes its hate crime report on 16 November each year. The report represents the largest dataset on hate crime in the world, and provides an overview of hate crimes reported by states alongside hate incidents reported by civil society, international organizations and the Holy See across the OSCE’s 57 participating States.


As OSCE itself affirms, reporting by civil society is essential, as it complements official data and highlights potential under-recording of hate crimes by states. For this reason we truly care about spreading the call for contributions and to invite as many people as possible to spread the word.

You can find the full explanation on how to submit contributions on their website, including the link to download the form to be filled with the data.


It’s important to note that ODIHR processes both statistical data and detailed descriptions of hate incidents reported by civil society.

The data and information you send to ODIHR are reviewed for accuracy and to ensure that they conform to the OSCE’s concept of hate crime (a criminal offence motivated by bias). As such, incidents of discrimination and hate speech are excluded from their reporting.

This year ODIHR will present attacks against property as statistical incidents only. This will enable them to improve their data analysis and present the data in an easy-to-use format.


All the data and information must be submitted by 30 April 2023 by emailing tndinfo@odihr.pl and indicating in the subject line “HCR 2022 (Name of your group/organization)”.

For further information and to know more about OSCE-ODIHR work, you are very welcome to get in touch with us.

#stayunited #nohatespeech