Democrat’s Cookbook – EU Elections

Published on 27 March 2024

Our campaign Make Your Mark: A Call to Action for Democracy and Diversity started from the idea that 2024 marks a pivotal moment in history, with the largest global call to vote since universal suffrage began.

For this reason we thought we needed a true “Cookbook” to help us navigating this scenario and that could help in using this momentum to put antiracism at the centre of the discourse and to call to our Network and everyone else to start a true and meaningful mobilisation towards the next EU Parliamentary Election but also as an inspiration to monitor and to critically analyse the other elections happening all over the world, identifying those candidates and parties who oppose human rights and use propaganda and polarisation to spread hatred and divide people.

That’s why we are very happy to share this publication that wants to give a clearer idea of the importance of the EU Elections and how they can effect the life of many people, also beyond the European continent.

Now more than ever we need to uphold the best values of our democracies and to resist the authoritarian wave that is rising.
Together we can all be agents of positive change, advocating for human rights and inclusion.

Remember, voting for human rights and diversity means voting for your own interests and those of your loved ones.

Enjoy the reading then and remember to #makeyourmark , #voteforhumanity and #stayunited!


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