U4EU 2.0 Youth Summit 2024


U4EU 2.0 Youth Summit on the Future of Europe was held in Athens on July 8th, 2024 and it aimed at amplifying the voices of young Europeans and fostering a vibrant discussion about the future of Europe.

The very intense programme included:

🔸U4EU 2.0 Project & Partners presentation
🔹Ice-breaker Activities
🔸Video Screening: “What does Europe mean for me?”
🔹Panel discussions on:
a. EU Policies & Institutions
D. Migration
c. Environment, Climate Change and Sustainability
d. Culture
e. Youth Engagement & Democratic participation
🔸Youth Workshops
All the sessions saw the contribution of experts, many of which were young people from all over Europe.

It turned out to be a highly promising kick-off for the project, with panel talks and valuable discussions on relevant and challenging topics which support U4EU project’s goal to advocate for, strengthen and evolve the connection between the European Union and its young citizens.

UNITED for intercultural action, represented by Eszter Holly, Nguyen Thi Phuong Chi, Gergő Zsigmond and Réka Keresztes, had the great opportunity to take part in the summit as a project partner. UNITED seeks to maintain beliefs and subscribes to ideas that aid and encourage minority groups to raise their voice while establishing secure connections with legislative and economic actors. Opportunities like this project-series not only provide a great insight to the civic sphere and all its dimensions but also open the door to new connections with other participating organizations.

This summit welcomed the stimulation and discussion of previously unexplored conversations. At the beginning of the program, ANCE NGO, the hosting organization, showed a video where young people voiced their honest opinions regarding specific elements of the European Union which allowed for a much freer environment for the rest of the day.

The panel talks were particularly important as they set the tone for the rest of the project thanks to the highly knowledgeable speakers who elaborated on these subjects in a short but detailed manner.
Their arguments brought forward many stimulating thoughts which resulted in a successful brainstorm-workshop at the end of the day.

Gergő Zsigmond

UNITED Delegate