Cover Refugee Day Campaign 2024


We continue this year’s campaign for #WorldRefugeeDay raising awareness on those conditions that are necessary to create spaces and societies where refugees and migrants can feel like they belong.
The number of refugees and displaced people is the higher ever reached in all history, meaning that we have more than 117 million people wandering without a place, without a refuge.
Creating and sustaining a welcoming society is in fact a success for everyone involved. It’s not only about solidarity, but about shaping a world that is human, with #humanrights at its core.

We summarised some of these criteria using the Council of Europe *Action Plan on Protecting Vulnerable Persons in the Context of Migration and Asylum in Europe (2021-2025), which focuses on 4 main pillars:

Every pillars include several concrete actions that states can promote to facilitate the inclusion of people but it’s not the only available plan, so we invite you to find what can be the ways in which we can make our place a good home for all.
Welcoming an inclusive community requires continuous work, but it is ultimately achievable.
Solidarity means keeping our doors open to those who seek refuge. We need to acknowledge the strength and the challenges that refugees and migrants face and make a better society for all.
🫂We all need to belong in the place we choose to call home.
Help us to fight against the Fatal Policies of Fortress Europe then and #stayunited!