#idahobit is the international Day to contrast omobitransphobia and to celebrate the #LGBTQI+ community, to remind us all that we are #united in diversity and that the fight for rights it’s the fight of everybody.
For this reason us at UNITED are committed to celebrate this #idahobit2023 and to use it to raise awareness about the many faces of discrimination, playing our part to support the empowerment of victims and to oppose the oppression they face.
Stay tuned and #stayunited to find out our content dedicated to this special day✊
You can find more info on how to show your support at the official website of the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia .🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️
#omophobia #biphobia #transphobia #discrimination #humanrights
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