RESIST RADICAL TOGETHER - United conference in Budapest 2023

#ResistRadicalTogether! UNITED in Budapest

A Conference on Curbing Radicalization

Date: November 27, 2023 – December 1, 2023

Venue: Budapest


In a rapidly changing world where political challenges and societal fractures seem to be intensifying, the power of connection, dialogue, and collective action cannot be underestimated. For years, UNITED conferences have stood as beacons of hope, arenas for exchange, and hubs of innovation. Yet, recent times, marked by the global pandemic, have disrupted our physical interactions, making our shared mission difficult, but even more pressing. We are now at a juncture where a return to our live conferences isn’t merely a return to tradition; it’s a bold and innovative move of resilience in the face of never seen challenges. 

The turbulence of our times isn’t just evident in headlines and statistics; it’s palpable in the escalating violence, the seething undercurrents of mistrust, and, most alarmingly, in the radicalization of our young generation. Many turn a blind eye, but not us. We recognize the gravity, we see the patterns, and we dare to confront them head-on.

This makes our upcoming conference in Budapest not just another event, but a resurrection call. Amidst the shadows that seem to be lengthening, Budapest awaits – not just with its rich cultural tapestry, but with the promise of hope, action, and a brighter, UNITED future.

Join us! It’s more than a conference; it’s a declaration, a commitment, a movement. Let’s stand together, for if not us, then who?

Dear Future Participants,

We are thrilled to invite you to the upcoming UNITED Conference in the beautiful city of Budapest, where our new Secretariat location is since 2019.  Join us and dive deep into critical conversations on the phenomenon of violent, extremist radicalization, especially amongst the youth and specially among groups who target minorities. 

Event Details:

  • Date: 27th November to 30th November
  • Deadline for nominations: October 30 (if you need a Visa to Hungary send it sooner) 
  • Location: [will be shared in the infopack, but close to central Budapest]
  • Program will be available here: soon
  • Theme: Preventing Radicalization – Methods, Recognition, and Solutions.

Financial conditions: 

  • We only provide paid accommodation for 30 people at the venue of the Conference and ask you to secure your travel from 275 Euros maximum.
  • We hope to collect more than half of the participants on their own cost. Maybe more from the region and more locals than usual. We are sorry, but we have to try. Food and travel compensation will be available for selected participants. 


Here’s why this gathering is a must:

  • The Power of Presence: While virtual connections kept us going, the potency of face-to-face interactions, the depth of live dialogues, and the energy of real-time collaborations are irreplaceable. We need to harness this power now more than ever.
  • Insights from Collective Endeavors: Through the persistence of our Hungarian partners, UNITED has delved deep into the issue via four distinct projects. It’s time to bring these insights to the forefront, to debate, refine, and act upon them.
  • A World on the Brink: With every passing day, as pockets of our world inch closer to chaos, our collective endeavor becomes more urgent. We are among the few who not only recognize the looming threats but also possess the courage and determination to counteract them.
  • Strategizing Our Resources: Our budget might be leaner, but our spirit remains undaunted. Together, we’ll navigate our financial path, ensuring our fight remains effective and sustained.


We hope you will join us for these engaging sessions and participate actively in shaping strategies for a UNITED future. Together, we can take collective action against radicalization, fostering communities that are more understanding, compassionate, and resilient.

Our mission is urgent; our cause is just, and together, we are unstoppable!

Please use our form to nominate. We look for experienced partners and those who want to learn. 

Contact us on if you have further questions!

Warm Regards,

UNITED for Intercultural Action, 

Budapest Secretariat

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