Rethinking Diversity - Challenges for Equality in Europe and New Responses

Date: May 26, 2013 – May 31, 2013

Venue: Trakai, Lithuania

Programme (pdf 111 kB)

list of participating organisations (pdf 197 kB)



Algimanta Pabedinskienė

Minister of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania

Dailis Alfonsas Barakauskas

Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania

Linas Linkevičius

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania


On behalf of the the Working Groups Making the Case for Equality: Legal Responses to Discriminatory Practices and Building New Coalitions to Address Challenges Faced by Undocumented Migrants we hereby attach the recommendations for the Lithuanian Presidency.

The two sets of recommendations address as follows :

  • The implementation of the principle of equal treatment in the European Union. The drafters of the document – Roma Integration House and Human Rights Monitoring Institute together with eleven European non-governmental organizations – call upon the Presidency to facilitate the adoption of the Proposal for a Council Directive on implementing the principle of equal treatment between persons irrespective of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation.
  • The rights of the undocumented migrants and the EU migration policies. The drafters of the recommendations – Praxis Community Projects and the Platform for International Cooperation for Undocumented Migrants (PICUM) together with ten European non-governmental organizations – call upon the Presidency to ensure the respect for the rights of all EU residents, regardless of their residence status, in a renewed commitment to smart, sustainable and inclusive Europe.

The recommendations were prepared in cooperation with the UNITED for Intercultural Action – a European network bringing together over 550 civil society organisations active in promoting equality and fighting against racism in 48 European countries.
The Working Groups stand ready to assist the Presidency in implementing the proposed recommendations.



Natalija Bitiukova, Human Rights Monitoring Institute

Lina Vosyliūtė, Roma Integration House

Alex Sutton, Praxis Community Projects

Lilana Keith, PICUM

Geert Ates, UNITED for Intercultural Action


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