UNITED Co-conference: European/Prague Spring - webinars!
Date: April 25, 2020 – April 26, 2020
This year, UNITED for Intercultural Action, in conjunction with supporting organizations, held the European/Prague Spring conference 2020 – All-European mobilizing Conference for climate justice and peace.
The aim of the European/Prague Spring conference is pretty clear: the emphasize, and build on, the important connections between social and environmental movements. The experts of the conference will seek for social and environmental (ecological) alternatives and look for answers to the multidimensional crisis looming large above all our heads.
It’s clear that our blind race for profit and growth is anything but sustainable. A failing economic system, global warming, wildlife extinction and pollution beg the urgent need to address that. Meanwhile, world leaders are not so keen to change this course, but are comfortable with drawing in more money for military spending at a time of increased global instability. This conference aims to stand up to this global trend: to mobilize human and financial resources for better involvement of Central and Eastern European (CEE) activists in the World Social Forum.
Through Zoom, we discussed how environmental, PEACE and social movements and their activities can address the COVID-19 outbreak and what is their position in global efforts directed to the pandemic crisis.
On April 25, 2020, from 12am, we held a discussion about the Repression against movements and threats against democracy during the present crisis.
April 26, 2020 was dedicated to elaborate on internationalistic answer to the Coronacrisis, from 10am.
View the full programme here: Webinar_Programme
To read more about the conversation, discussions, and cases presented, please do check out our news section where we elaborated on the two days more, here.
Stay UNITED, and stay tuned for more!
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