Financial Information for the UNITED Conference in Reggio Emilia – April 2024

Please find below the general conditions for attending our upcoming UNITED Conference From Rumours to Respect: Challenging Hate and Promoting Diversity.

For any other query, question on the matter, please contact us at

Duration: 5 nights

Check-in: 22nd of April

Check-out: 27th of April

  • Participation Fee: Attendance is completely free.
  • Age Restriction: Preference is given to delegates under 30 due to donor restriction.
  • Capacity: Accommodation and food will be provided for 50 delegates
  • Travel Reimbursement: Full reimbursement for up to 300 Euros per participant. When arranging your travel, please try to be as economical and reasonable as possible, but if your travel exceeds the limit we will compensate it till the cap (300). Reimbursement is only possible upon submission of all the requested proofs. During the event a reimbursement form will be provided and monitored by UNITED to collect information. This form serves as a legal document and it is fundamental and mandatory for the process
  • Nominees who are not asking Reimbursement are welcome, they support UNITED and pay for another candidate to participate as well.

Note: We sincerely apologize for the limited budget and mixed solution. We deeply value the support of our network and we hope the experience of our conference will be worth your efforts and resources if you decide to join.