Hybrid Mid-Term Conference

As we have previously announced, on November 28th we joined the hybrid Mid-Term conference of the R2COM – Radicalisation and Violent Extremism Prevention in the Community project, as part of our commitment against violent radicalisation and in support of the empowerment of civil society to find the tools and resources needed to address such phenomena, especially in particularly dense historical times, like the one we are in.

The conference was the occasion to share the main project results so far, such as the studies, the report and the platform itself (that you can find here and linked on our website), but it was also the chance for listening to renowned experts’ interventions, discussing the role that NGOs and CSOs can have in the P/CVE field, namely in after-care efforts.

What we discussed?

✅ Civil society is a pivotal actor to include in post-release efforts, as their local embeddedness allows them to more easily create trust, building bridges for change;
✅To ensure the most effective involvement of NGOs and CSOs in the P/CVE field a soft security approach is to be followed, allowing for tailored interventions;
✅European civil society practitioners don’t feel prepared and equipped to fully and effectively mitigate the vulnerabilities to radicalisation posed by the prison-exit transition;
✅ The nature of the prison-exit transition is expected to create multi-layered difficulties, which NGO and CSO professionals must account for when working towards a steady resettlement.
As we are committed to ensuring the best possible involvement of CSOs to prevent radicalisation in post-release settings, we listened to these conclusions to develop our innovative products. For this reason, we are preparing:
1️⃣ A comprehensive and non-securitised vulnerability assessment tool
2️⃣ Tailor-made and inclusive training courses
3️⃣ A guiding manual to assist after-care and exit work

How to join?

You can join the project anytime to access these resources! Register now for the training course here and get in touch with us to know more!