School Without Racism (SWR) is a grassroots project initiated and coordinated by young students themselves, in which the population of a school votes to position itself actively against racism. When at least 60% of the student population has signed the “declaration against racism” or “the Call”, the school receives SWR status. Once the honourable SWR shield is displayed at the main entrance, the school maintains its status by organising activities that are focused on tolerance, respect and combating discrimination. In this leaflet you can find some information, with a step-by-step guide, about how you can start making your school a “School Without Racism”.

The call/declaration ‘School Without Racism’:
• We, students, teachers and staff, the head teacher and governing bodies say “NO” to racism.
• We fight against all forms and manifestations of racism and discrimination in our school.
• Our school must be faithful to its educational mission to take initiatives against racism.
• Our school rejects racist propaganda and racist organisations.
• Our school organises initiatives against racism and for a multicultural society every year.
• Our aim is that a majority (a given percentage) of students, teachers and other members of staff, the board and governing body support this call. This gives our school the honourable name “School Without Racism” and we are committed to maintaining this status.
You can choose whether you prefer 60%, 70% or another amount, but make your chosen percentage clear to everybody.
Good luck and inform UNITED if you are successful!