Call me by my name: Stories from Calais and beyond

Call me by my name: stories from Calais and beyond is a multimedia exhibition, taking place in a momentous month that sees both the EU referendum and Refugee Week. It explores the complexity and human stories behind the current migration crisis, with a particular focus on the Calais camp.The exhibition features compelling works by established… Read more »

Moving Stories: Narratives of Migration Crossing Europe

Together with partner organisations all over Europe, UNITED for Intercultural Action is organising an international conference to bring together around 70 network activists from all over Europe to discuss the issues around narrative of migration in Europe, share their best practices and learn about new tools to deconstruct narratives and promote their own, positive visions… Read more »

Training Seminar on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

The object of this training course is to explore the scope and usefulness of the Charter for the legal practitioners facing the national courts or the Court of Justice of the EU, mostly by means of preliminary reference. Beyond illustrating the key features of the Court and essential aspects of its functioning, the training seminar… Read more »

International Conference of Refugees and Migrants

This self-organized conference aims at empowering existing and developing new networks of refugees as well as creating the possibility to analyze the current situation in Germany and Europe. For three days, refugees, migrants, supporters and activists with different backgrounds will discuss, network and share their knowledge. Issues that will be addressed at the conference include:-… Read more »

Transforming the UK’s Immigration and Asylum System: The Next Steps

Immigration makes a significant contribution to the UK both economically and culturally. For many immigrants the UK is an attractive destination with net migration in the year to March 2015 at 330,000. Though in recent years the Government has sought to overhaul immigration policy so as to clamp down on illegal immigration and make the… Read more »