TC Building Partnerships for Equality & against Intolerance & Discrimination

Participation fee: 75 EUR They are organising a week long training session for young Europeans with the aim to combat discrimination and to build partnerships for equality. The training will focus on practical skills training such as grassroots organising, power mapping, communications strategies, social media outreach, community mobilising and online organizing. The training session will… Read more »

Prevent: Racist and Islamophobic

The ‘Prevent’ duty aims to identify those individuals likely to cause a threat to the state but it in fact spies on us all and attempts to eliminate dissent of any kind.As it overwhelmingly targets and criminalises the Muslim community we discuss how toxic it will be as it spreads through our public sector, colleges… Read more »

Overcoming Antisemitism and Overcoming Islamophobia.

After the attacks in France and Belgium in 2015, CEJI, in partnership with ARES, offers training to fight against anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in the context of misunderstandings leading to fillings and serious abuses that we have now. An educational and constructive response is essential and urgent in order to promote respect, tolerance and mutual deconstruction… Read more »

Mini-Conference Islamophobia & Discrimination

Many people in the Netherlands are negative towards Muslims and these negative images are associated with all forms of discrimination and exclusion of this group.Platform INS and anti-discrimination agency RADAR organized in 2012 and 2013 a series of training on Islamophobia and discrimination” in Rotterdam. Soon a description of the methodology is also being published… Read more »

Learn to Empower Against Exclusion

Target group: anyone who works with people for whom empowerment can be very beneficial.Participation fee: 10€, 2½ day training, a reader afterwards, 3x lunch and 2x dinner The program is made up of a number of modules: Identity, Diversity, Together Self-Reliance, Social action. The program consists of a mix of theory and interactive exercises, both… Read more »

Marxism Festival

Participation fee: weekend 20€, saturday 15€, sunday 10€The Marxism Festival is the annual meeting place for activists and leftwing politicians in the Netherlands. A weekend full of criticism of the system, political theory and discussions about the most relevant issues of the moment. The discussions this year include the fight over the University of Amsterdam,… Read more »

Confronting Antisemitism and Islamophobia

Target group: teachersParticipation fee: 750 Euro At a time when we are seeing violent incidents of anti-semitic and islamophobic nature all over Europe, CEJI offers a training course to educators and teachers being confronted with these events and eager to develop effective working tools, and to participate in the new training module.

Hand in Hand Against Racism

Our society is evolving rapidly, approaching a super-diverse society. Many of the features of this we find already in some of our cities. Other cities will follow with an impact on the whole of Flanders. This evolution has put some keen observers to work and resulted in books, articles, research reports etc.Hand in Hand invite… Read more »

Anti-Jewish and Anti-Muslim Racisms and the Question of Palestine/Israel

Participation fee: 20 GBPThis conference seeks to explore the multiple, complex and inter-related ways that anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim racisms are being constructed in relation to the question of Palestine/Israel. In particular it seeks to examine how the histories of Zionist settlement, anti-colonial and nation-building struggles and 20th century warfare in the Middle East region are… Read more »

UAF Protest in Dudley

The English Defence League (EDL) is using the backlash against Muslims to mobilise for its demonstration in Dudley.It says it is objecting to plans for a mosque in the area. But since the Paris killings the protest has become a key event for any racists wanting to march against Muslims. Local activists are organising a… Read more »