1st Vilnius Young Leaders Meeting 

The VYLM aims to foster expertise and cooperation among a new generation of Estonian, Belarusian, Georgian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Moldovan, Russian, and Ukrainian professionals by the exchange of best practices on how to counter misleading information and fake news.

Dissemination of Results of Projects through Social Media

One of the project priorities is to increase the participation of young people in Erasmus +, Youth in Action Programme (YA) by increasing the reached audience of young people in dissemination and exploitation of project results. Social media is perfect for YA audiences, for example, 70% percent of Facebook users are people under 35. That… Read more »

Moving Stories: Narratives of Migration Crossing Europe

Together with partner organisations all over Europe, UNITED for Intercultural Action is organising an international conference to bring together around 70 network activists from all over Europe to discuss the issues around narrative of migration in Europe, share their best practices and learn about new tools to deconstruct narratives and promote their own, positive visions… Read more »

Marxism Festival

CIVIS is once again honouring programmes broadcast on radio, television and on the Internet which promote the peaceful co-existence of people from the most diverse geographical and cultural backgrounds. We are seeking entries which reflect the rapid transformation of our European societies. For the media are instrumental in shaping the image of these developments and… Read more »