We are very happy to start this new year with one of the biggest accomplishments of the 2023: the publication of the Manual of Good Practices of the REFUGIN Project!
This practical guide summarizes the results of a literature search and online survey realized by each partner country of the project: France, Greece, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Hungary, Moldova and Poland.
The REFUGIN project aims to foment the active engagement and impact of educational and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) professionals working with young refugees, striving to improve these refugees’ sustained integration in the medium-to-long-term by developing sustainable innovative training programmes for schools and NGOs professionals, to improve their competencies and cooperation, ultimately promoting more tolerant and inclusive societies.
The Manual of Good Practices offers valuable informations into the role of educators and NGOs in government integration efforts, shares best practices in key integration areas across participating project countries, and provides practical advice for educators and NGOs working with young refugees.