OSCE/ODIHR Publishes Hate Crime Data

ODIHR’s hate crime data for 2014 is now available. Forty-three participating States submitted information, along with 122 civil society groups covering incidents in 46 countries.

Football Against Fascism

Michael Oesterle of Sport Against Racism Ireland looks at the story of the Austrian-Jewish football club Hakoah Vienna and its hero Béla Guttmann

Didn’t we say “Never Again”?

It’s 9th November 1938. Broken glass is covering the streets of Europe. But it’s not about the broken glass. This is the start of one of the largest genocides in human history.

Upcoming Conference in Budapest!

The upcoming UNITED Conference entitled #YOUACT: YOUth ACTivism shaping our Intercultural Europe will be held in Budapest, Hungary, from 14 to 19 October. More than 100 young activists and experts from across Europe will participate in our upcoming 5-day conference, exchanging knowledge, good practices and specific tools, and brainstorming on how to efficiently tackle discrimination… Read more »

COE Parliamentary Assembly’s Resolution: Recognising and preventing neo-racism

1. An disturbing rise in racism, xenophobia and intolerance has been apparent for some years now in Europe. Those affected include migrants and asylum seekers, Jews, Muslims and Roma, Sinti and Travellers, and the reason is a supposed incompatibility between groups of different origins on cultural and religious grounds. Along with traditional racism, there is also a “race-less racism” which is equally damaging because it tends to justify discrimination against certain groups and individuals.

Call for Nominations – UNITED Conference, 14-19 October 2015

Please find below the information for our next UNITED Conference
 ”#YOUACT: YOUth ACTivism shaping our Intercultural Europe” Budapest, Hungary, 14-19 October 2015

All information and the e-nomination form can be found on this website: 

If your organisation is interested in nominating a representative, please fill the online expression of interest form as soon as possible (deadline 24th August 2015).


Press Release 20th June 2015
International Refugee Day – 20th June

To mark International Refugee Day, UNITED is publishing an updated edition of its List of Deaths, a new website and an interactive map. We call on you to protest against the fatal policies of Fortress Europe that lead to the deaths of desperate people looking for safe refuge.

Fear hatred power – an interview with Matthew Collins

During the latest UNITED conference “Overcome All Borders”, 4-9 May, Malaga (Spain), HOPE not Hate researcher Matthew Collins was interviewed about his past as a former member of the neofascist British National Party.