“Information Leaflet Hate Crimes In The OSCE Region” now available

— OSCE/ ODIHR and United Leaflet — — For more information refer to http://hatecrime.osce.org — Civil Society Contributions to OSCE-ODIHR Hate Crime Reporting website The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and United for Intercultural Action published this leaflet together. This leaflet is available in English and Russian. You can download digital copies or order paper… Read more »

OSCE Chairperson-in-Office Burkhalter receives civil society recommendations ahead of the Ministerial Council in Basel

BASEL, 03 December 2014 – In his capacity as Chairperson-in-Office of the OSCE, Didier Burkhalter attended the closing session of the Parallel Civil Society Conference, held in the margins of the Ministerial Council meeting on 02 and 03 December. In Basel, more than 100 civil society representatives discussed and adopted concrete recommendations directed at the OSCE, its Institutions, field presence and participating States.

Action needed against growing intolerance and racism

“Action is needed”, says Ralph du Long, delegate from UNITED for Intercultural Action at the OSCE Parallel Civil Society Conference in Basel: “We see a rise of racist parties across the OSCE region. The OSCE is in a key position to step up the fight against racism and intolerance and has developed many instruments. We included a number of important recommendations in our ‘Basel declaration’.

OSCE/ODIHR hate crime data for 2013 now available

— OSCE/ ODIHR Press Release —
WARSAW, 14 November – The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) today released its data for 2013 on its Hate Crime Reporting website. The release was timed ahead of the International Day for Tolerance on Sunday, 16 November.

Europe spoke out against Fascism and Antisemitism!

International Day Against Fascism and Antisemitism – 9 November 2014
More than 220 coordinated actions united under the slogan “REMEMBER” have been organised by grass-roots organisations and different local groups in 45 European countries for the International Day Against Fascism and Antisemitism. On www.DayAgainstFascism.eu you can find many local activities that took place in Europe.

Petition to stop clampdown on freedom of association in Russia

UNITED for Intercultural Action has signed a petition by Amnesty International – The Netherlands called “Joint NGO letter to the president of the Russian Federation to stop clampdown on freedom of association”. The petition will be send to the President of the Russian Federation Putin to should persuade the president to revoke the “foreign agents”… Read more »