The Missed Refuge: UNITED List of Refugee Deaths – 2024

June 20th Campaign List of refugee deathsTHE MISSED REFUGE: UNITED list of Refugee Deaths
UNITED is turning 30 this year, together with one of its most powerful initiatives: ‘Fatal Policies of Fortress Europe’ campaign.
This is an on-going campaign against the deadly consequences of the building of Fortress Europe. Since 1993 UNITED has in fact been diligently monitoring the fatal results of the policies summarized as the building of this Fortress, compiled in the so called ‘List of Refugee Deaths’, a powerful testament to the human cost of these cruel policies.
In the period 1993-2023 more than 52.760 deaths can be put down to border militarisation, asylum laws, detention policies and deportations. Most probably thousands more are never found. The fatal results already reach the daily headlines: bodies that surface on European shores, stowaways found in the back of a truck, or asylum seekers who kill themselves consequential to hard living conditions and depression for the long and lingering asylum claim decision.

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