Don’t be divided – Stay UNITED! European Action Week Against Racism 2017

Every year, UNITED coordinates a weeklong Europe-wide campaign around 21 March to protest against all forms of racism and discrimination, and celebrate the diversity that enriches European societies. European Action Week Against Racism 2017 will take place from 18-26 March, with the slogan “Don’t be divided, Stay UNITED!”

OSCE member states urged to protect civil society space

Representatives of NGOs and the governments of OSCE member states met in Hamburg last week for the 2016 OSCE Ministerial Council and Parallel Civil Society Conference. NGOs, including UNITED and members of the Civil Solidarity Platform (CSP) presented a set of recommendations to member states highlighting the need for protection and expansion of civil society space in Europe, as well as reaffirming the need to protect the rights of migrants, refugees and minorities.

OSCE-ODIHR publishes hate crime data for 2015

The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights has published its hate crime data for 2015, based on submissions from national governments and civil society organisations. It has called on governments to renew their efforts to meet data collection commitments.