Confronting Antisemitism and Islamophobia

Target group: teachersParticipation fee: 750 Euro At a time when we are seeing violent incidents of anti-semitic and islamophobic nature all over Europe, CEJI offers a training course to educators and teachers being confronted with these events and eager to develop effective working tools, and to participate in the new training module.

European Action Week Against Racism: Hand in Hand for Diversity

21 March is the International Day for the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination, established by The General Assembly of the United Nations in 1966 following the brutal murder of 69 protestors in the South African township of Sharpeville in 1960. The massacre occurred while they had gathered to protest against the apartheid laws… Read more »

General Assembly for 21 March

On 21 march will be as each year a They invite social, religious, and political organisations, trade unions, churches, anti-discrimination bureaus and so on to join the general assembly to prepare this demonstration. It’s the second meeting, where the main points of discussion will be mobilisation, the actual plan and the new material.Time: 19.30-21.00 p.m

Aiming Higher: Race, Inequality and Diversity in the Academy

The research will be launched in the House of Commons at an event chaired by David Lammy MP, a former higher education minister and Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Race and Community.The research covers admissions, attainment, employability, the student experience, curriculum and staffing, and shows continued racial inequalities for the rising numbers… Read more »

Anti-Gypsyism and the Holocaust: Remembering the Past and Shaping the Future

Roma and Sinti have a history of persecution. They have been oppressed and discriminated against for centuries and their persecution reached a climax throughout the Nazi regime during which they were subjected to genocide and deprived of their civil rights. The suffering of Roma and Sinti communities during WWII is mirrored today by persistent practices… Read more »

General Assembly for 21 March

On 21 march will be as each year a They invite social, religious, and political organisations, trade unions, churches, anti-discrimination bureaus and so on to join the general assembly to prepare this demonstration. Furthermore the committee that will continue the preparation will be assembled.If you would like to join, please send an email to… Read more »

Vigil for Peace and Respect

Hand in Hand has explicitly condemned the attacks in Paris and at the same time warned of a possible rise in racism and the risk of a dangerous polarization in our society between Muslims and non-Muslims. Many opinion makers follow us herein and call not to make generalisations about an entire population group, and not… Read more »