International Summer School in Forced Migration

The International Summer School in Forced Migration fosters dialogue between academics, practitioners and policymakers working to improve the situation of refugees and forced migrants.The Summer School offers an intensive, interdisciplinary and participative approach to the study of forced migration. It aims to enable people working with refugees and other forced migrants to reflect critically on… Read more »

Insert, Driving Slowly, Holding Distance, Carpooling or Speeding?

The Event includes a debate focussing on integration as a common process and the question where people need to integrate. The new integration policy document of Rotterdam will be the basis of the dicussion.Ruben Gowricharn (Professor of Social Cohesion and Transnational Studies at Tilburg University) and Ireen van der Lem (project Opzoomer Mee) will participate… Read more »

12th IMISCOE Conference Rights, Democracy and Migration

Undocumented migrants – including illegal”, overstayers, rejected applicants for asylum, non-registered EU-migrants, or formerly “regular” migrants – are typically marginal to the rights and service provision of receiving societies, although with strong variations across and within them. Their claims and needs are often addressed, if at all, by grassroots civil society initiative and through their… Read more »

Life Jackets

Liege-based NGO Le Monde des Possibles is organising a demonstration against migrant deaths in the Mediterranean, where they will use the UNITED list of Migrant Deaths.Time: 3pm

A Boat to the Europeen Parliament – Ferry Not Frontex

In protest against continued deaths of migrants in the Mediterranean due to the fatal policies of Fortress Europe, the Strasbourg-based campaign group Collectif pour une autre politique migratoire will sail a boat down the Rhine past the European Parliament building and the seat of the European Court of Human Rights.Time: 16.30

Transforming the Immigration System and Recruiting Non-UK Nationals

With immigration now one of the most important issues facing Britain, this timely symposium provides an opportunity for policy makers, local authorities, HR/recruitment officers and advisers, legal professionals and other key stakeholders to understand the current immigration landscape and its impact on vetting and recruiting non-UK workers and students. Participants will also gain a valuable… Read more »

Overcome All Borders: UNITED Against Intolerance

This conference will focus on the intolerance migrants face in Europe with an emphasis on the scapegoating reaction to migration at Southern European borders. The aim of this conference is to create ideas, vision, and strategies to counter this intolerance and the lack of a strong and humane political vision.