Transforming the UK’s Immigration and Asylum System: The Next Steps

Immigration makes a significant contribution to the UK both economically and culturally. For many immigrants the UK is an attractive destination with net migration in the year to March 2015 at 330,000. Though in recent years the Government has sought to overhaul immigration policy so as to clamp down on illegal immigration and make the… Read more »

11th Migration Summer School: Multiple Approaches to Migration: Challenges at Origin and Destination

Participation fee: 2200 Eur.Participants of the 11th Migration Summer School will study, through a variety of disciplinary approaches, the challenges that migration poses for countries of origin and destination. In countries of origin, migration can bring development, through various forms of remittances, but it can also exacerbate already existing socio-economic inequalities. In countries of destination,… Read more »

Conference on European Migration Law 2015 – Annual event

Target group: In-house counsel, lawyers in private practice, lawyers working for employers’ associations and trade unions, EU and ministry officialsParticipation fee: 590 € Conditions of entry and residence of labour migrants: highly-skilled workers, intra-corporate transferees, seasonal workers, students and researchers Coherence of the EU legislative framework Challenges and best practices in the implementation of the… Read more »

The Reserve Army of Labour and International Migration to Britain: Developing a Conceptual Model

This paper develops a conceptual model to examine the relationship between international migration, UK immigration controls, and the structure of the working class in Britain. With a focus on the period 1999-2014, it argues that policy changes are resulting in an increasingly stratified working class. Immigration controls are combining with ‘austerity’ measures to enforce increasingly… Read more »