Call for demonstration – “No one is illegal!”

A demonstration is organized on 20 May 2017 in Milan, Italy, against the policies of Fortress Europe, with the participation of more than 650 organizations and the “No one is illegal” network.

CALL for applications – UN Fellowship Programme for People of African Descent

The UN OHCHR offers a Fellowship for people of African Descent that provide the participants with an intensive learning opportunity to deepen their understanding of the United Nations human rights system, instruments, and mechanisms, with a focus on issues of particular relevance to people of African descent.

Shadow Report on racism and migration in Europe

ENAR (European Network Against Racism) has published its Shadow Report on racism and migration in Europe. ENAR’s Shadow Report focuses on racism and discrimination against migrants in Europe in 2015-2016, based on national questionnaire responses from 26 EU Member States

UNITED Prague Conference Report: Days IV-V

Report from Days IV-V of the UNITED conference Rewind Radicalism: Building up strategies against extremism, taking place near Prague, CZ from 7-12 April 2017.