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  • Meet Khadija Tirha, speaker of the Activist Livestream for the 9th of November Campaign

    ***ACTIVIST LIVESTREAM: “Not Today fascism, not today!***

    Did you miss our livestream with Khadija Tirha? Activist spaces are the perfect places where to exercise our critical thinking, that’s why we need to treasure dialogue and meeting opportunities, facilitating the connection between people, ideas, stories and places. For this reason on the 11th of November we invited the Afro-European youth worker and activist Khadija… Read more »

  • International Day against Fascism and Nationalism

    International Day against Fascism and Antisemitism – 9th of November Campaign 2022

    JOIN THE CAMPAIGN “Not today fascism, not today!” 9th of November commemorates the tragical events of the Kristallnacht of 1938, to remember the dangers of fascism and how it led to the extermination of millions of people. Nonetheless the far right and fascism have been constantly growing in popularity not limited to small extremist groups, hidden in… Read more »

  • European Action Weeks against Racism – The history

    From 14 to 27 March 2022, the annual European Action Weeks Against Racism will take place. It’s one of the central campaigns we focus on here at UNITED. The campaign comes from the commemoration of International Day for the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination, set on the 21st March, a day mandated by… Read more »

  • Suggested Activities for the European Action Weeks against Racism

    Do you want to join the European Action Weeks against Racism by organising an activity, but don’t know what to do? Don’t worry, UNITED for Intercultural Action has got your back. Every year, we share ideas for activities that can be organised during the Action Weeks against Racism. Find some inspiration below. If you can’t… Read more »

  • Tell us about your activities!

    Back to European Action Weeks against Racism – 2022 European Action Week Against Racism Activity Form 2022 Fill in the form below with details about your activities, which UNITED will promote online. We will share as many activities and actions as we can through our social media and website.   Please fill in the form… Read more »

  • Kicking off the 2022 campaign – campaign summit

    This year, the campaign will run for two weeks, starting on the 14th of March and ending on the 27th of March. For this year, we would love to also involve the wider network in the process of shaping the campaign! That’s why we invite you to our upcoming ‘Campaign Summit’, a two-hour session where… Read more »