We are back with our next conference! Due to the ongoing circumstances, this one (like last one) will also be held entirely online. On the 30th September to the 1st October, UNITED, in cooperation with the Oslo municipality, will be hosting a conference, covering the topics of youth, women, refugees and minorities, NGOs, and intersectionality.… Read more »

Belarus: UNITED calls the government to respect the rights of all citizens to peaceful demonstrations

Image: Andrei Bortnikau (Shutterstock) UNITED For Intercultural Action expresses its solidarity with the Belarusian civil society in the face of the government’s repression. We are deeply concerned about the violent mass repression against peaceful demonstrators, nongovernmental organizations, journalists and political opponents in Belarus. The reports we have received from grassroots activists and journalists echo the… Read more »

Updated Refugee Death List 2020

Since 1993, the UNITED List of Refugee Deaths has recorded the reported cases of deaths of more than 40, 555 refugees and migrants who have died due to the restrictive policies of Fortress Europe whilst trying to get into Europe. The causes of death are numerous: most drowned in the Mediterranean. Others were shot at borders, killed… Read more »

UNITED co-webinar European/Prague conference – a success!

Thank you all to those of you who joined us for our webinar on the 25th and 26th of April! UNITED for Intercultural Action, along with Transform! Europe, Prague Spring 2, Szab, Youth and Environment Europe, International Young Naturefriends, and SPaS, held a webinar to discuss the future of civic organizing in the context of… Read more »

Call for Projects – Action Week Against Antisemitism 2019 (Germany)

The “Action Week Against Antisemitism” is the biggest campaign against antisemitism in Germany. The  Amadeu Antonio Stiftung is pleased to announce that it can host this year and again in cooperation with the Anne Frank Center and support you in the implementation of your projects! The two focal points of this year’s Action Weeks are:… Read more »

Georgia: Final Statement by international observers representing the Civic Solidarity Platform at the trial of suspects in the murder of Vitali Safarov

On June 27, 2019 the final court hearing was held in the trial of the two men accused of murdering Georgian human rights defender Vitali Safarov. The Judge Shorena Guntsadze made the ruling in the verdict of the defendants. Observers representing the Civic Solidarity Platform (CSP), Alexandra Novitchkova (“Public Alternative Foundation,” Ukraine), Elena Pershakova (“Public Verdict,” Russia) and Svitlana Valko (“Truth Hounds,” Ukraine) attended this hearing.

#FootballPeople weeks grants launched to drive diversity and inclusion through football

The #FootballPeople weeks unite supporters, clubs, players, minority groups and communities affected by discrimination to stand for equality and inclusion. This year’s weeks will take place from the 10th to 24th October 2019. Grants of up to €2500 are now available for organisations to organise activities during the period at local or regional level that use football to promote diversity and social inclusion.

Survey of youth NGOs and networks in Europe

Ecorys is carrying out a survey of youth NGOs and networks in Europe on behalf of the European Commission. The aims are to map EU youth NGOs and networks, and to identify any gaps in representation; to assess the contribution of EU funding to youth organisations and networks; to identify the new trends in youth participation, and how their potential could be better tapped under the EU Youth Strategy; and to make future funding recommendations to the European Commission.

Call on your MEPs to join the Anti-Racism and Diversity Intergroup (ARDI) in the European Parliament

This week ENAR is launching a campaign for new MEPs to join the Anti-Racism and Diversity Intergroup (ARDI) in the European Parliament. To advance equality and fight racism and the far-right, we need to make sure we have a strong base in the new European Parliament. With far-right taking up approximately 10% of the European Parliament, now is the time to build a strong movement of politicians fighting racism.

[News] Summer Break for the UNITED Secretariat

Summer is in full bloom and the United Secretariat is going on a summer break. But before we all go on to our hard-earned holidays, we would like to share with you a short summary of what we have achieved together throughout the year, and what lies ahead after we return to build a United Europe – free from racism and xenophobia.