Reshaping the Border and Excluding the Other

The management of African asylum seekers in Israel Sharon Weinblum, FNRS Postdoctoral Fellow, Université libre de Bruxelles Between 2005 and 2013, more than 50 000 migrants from Sudan and Eritrea crossed the Egyptian border to seek refuge in Israel. Originally perceived as survivors of genocide entitled to protection, African migrants soon entered the language of… Read more »

Training Seminar on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

The object of this training course is to explore the scope and usefulness of the Charter for the legal practitioners facing the national courts or the Court of Justice of the EU, mostly by means of preliminary reference. Beyond illustrating the key features of the Court and essential aspects of its functioning, the training seminar… Read more »

Reception and integration of refugees: cities on the frontline

In the past year, hundreds of thousands of refugees have entered Europe; many of them have been received and were later housed in cities. But despite cities’ frontline role in receiving and integrating migrants, the public discourse does not always acknowledge this. This EPC Policy Dialogue addressed the role of cities in the implementation of… Read more »

Migration, immigration: What questions and what answers?

The conference will address the topic of migration in the demographic, sociological, juridical, mediatic and of public policy perspectives. Catherine Wihtol de Wenden, CNRS resercher director of SciencePo and specialist in international migrations, will speak on Migrants rights? Duty of Europe?””

GRAMNet Refugee Campaigns Day

The GRAMNet Refugee Campaigns Day will bring together students and organisations working with refugee issues. The Campaigns Day will give the opportunity to learn about the issues surrounding refugees, develop campaigning skills, and meet and share ideas with students and organisations from all over Scotland.Participation fee: free Time: 10:30 – 16:00

The relevance of migration for the NEW URBAN AGENDA

This side-event aims to contribute to an inclusive, successful and pertinent New Urban Agenda – which will result from the Habitat III process – that further consolidates the vital role of migration in the sustainable development of cities and will produce a Recommendations Paper on how to integrate human mobility into the New Urban Agenda… Read more »

International Conference of Refugees and Migrants

This self-organized conference aims at empowering existing and developing new networks of refugees as well as creating the possibility to analyze the current situation in Germany and Europe. For three days, refugees, migrants, supporters and activists with different backgrounds will discuss, network and share their knowledge. Issues that will be addressed at the conference include:-… Read more »

United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development

On behalf of the organizing and scientific working committee, the United Nations Department for Sustainable Development invites you to a Four-day summit of Economists, Educationists, Administrators, Manufacturers, Researchers, Activist & Non-Governmental Organizations, Religious Leaders, Community Organizations, individuals from the Public and Private Sector from 23rd – 26th February, 2016 in London (UK) to establish an… Read more »

No One is Illegal/ Aurora <3 Migszol

After a summer that witnessed huge changes in the demographic distribution of refugees and asylum seekers all over Europe, constant changes of the refugee laws, most of us were/are busy following the news and trying to help people in their journey to reach their final destination. There are some asylum seekers, refugees who are left… Read more »