UNHCR launches global refugee shelter campaign

UNHCR, the United Nations Refugee Agency, has launched a global campaign to raise funds from the private sector in order to fill a massive gap in funds needed to provide shelter for millions of refugees.

Migrant Crisis or Poverty Crisis?

A new briefing by Global Justice Now looks at the framing of the narrative around the influx of migrants and refugees in Europe, sets out the underlying causes for this mobility, and demands states to protect and expand the right to freedom of movement.

PICUM launches child testimonies series

Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM) has launched a new series of child testimonies, showing the hardship suffered by young undocumented migrants trying to make a life for themselves in Europe.

Press Release: Moving Stories – UNITED Network Conference in Italy

On 22-27 April, a European conference took place near Torino, Italy, organised by UNITED for Intercultural Action against Fascism, Nationalism and Racism and in Support for Migrants and Refugees. Participants representing organisations from all over Europe came together to challenge the current narrative on migration.

UNITED E-News – April 2016

UNITED monthly E-News for April, with news from UNITED, news from the network, highlights from the website and a look to the future.