At UNITED, we represent a collective voice of over 560 supporter organizations, ranging from grassroots initiatives to influential international NGOs. Our commitment is firmly rooted in combating discrimination and nurturing a society that wholeheartedly embraces diversity and inclusion. 

We actively involve various anti-racism experts from our network to engage in policy and advocacy work. 

Our Advocacy and Delegation Work involves


We collaborate with a diverse pool of experts and young activists who serve as ambassadors for our network. They represent us at various local and international meetings, conferences, and events organised by renowned NGOs, academic institutions and intergovernmental organisations.


A key focus of our work is to ensure the voices of young people and representatives from marginalised communities are heard. We believe in their power to influence the European anti-racist movement and bring about meaningful change at the highest decision-making levels in Europe.


Our activities are not just about representation; they involve providing expert input on policies and legal frameworks to shape a more equitable future for all.

Interested to get involved? Join us!

  • Learn More: Discover the impact of our past delegations in our Annual Report.
  • Meet our current experts and delegates and learn about their work
  • Apply to become a UNITED Delegate yourself by filling the form.

Together, we are UNITED for a better, more inclusive Europe