“Youth work in Europe – Mission (im)possible?” Conference in Dortmund

dortmund conference

On the 13th of November part of UNITED team attended the Dortmund conference “Youth work in Europe – Mission (im)possible?”. It was an inspiring and intense event which saw the participation of young people from nine European countries and eleven German municipalities ,as well as stakeholders and experts from Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland,… Read more »

III Meeting of UNITED Experts & Delegates Team

3rd Experts & Delegates Meeting

At the end of last month we held online our III Meeting of the Experts & Delegates team and we want to take the chance to share this news not only to acknowledge the happiness of being able to meet, talk and discuss together the future of UNITED #advocacy work, but most and foremost to… Read more »

9th of November Campaign – Question Propaganda Challenge Hate

🔴9th of November – 85th Anniversary of the Kristallnacht Late in 1938, Nazis across Germany attacked Jewish people and their homes, businesses and places of worship and arrested about 30,000 Jewish men. The attacks became known as Kristallnacht – the “Night of Broken Glass” , but the events of Nov. 9-10, went beyond the broken… Read more »

It’s still possible to apply for UNITED Conference in Budapest!

Great news! It’s still possible to apply to join our upcoming UNITED Conference, RESIST RADICAL TOGETHER, happening from November 27th to December 1st in the beautiful Budapest! We have run-out of accommodation spots for the venue, but you can still come: You can check out our programme here! IN PRESENCE, with your travel (up to… Read more »

1st in person Training in Tolouse for R2COM Project

R2COM group picture

The R2COM project, focusing on Radicalisation and Violent Extremism Prevention in the Community, has recently conducted its 1st in-person training event in Tolouse, France. The event, held over three days (October 17-19), gathered NGO workers from diverse countries including Italy, Hungary, Kosovo, Albania, Sweden, Portugal and Bulgaria. Our network was represented by Amina, one of… Read more »

UNITED for Intercultural Action on Departure from X (formerly Twitter)

Statement on leaving X/former Twitter

UNITED for Intercultural Action on Departure from X (formerly Twitter)   Today, we, at UNITED for Intercultural Action, wish to make a public declaration of our intention to discontinue our presence on the platform formerly known as Twitter, now renamed “X”, following its acquisition by Elon Musk. Our decision, although not made lightly, is rooted… Read more »

UNITED CONFERENCE IS BACK!!! From November 27th to December 1st in Budapest. Applications now open.

RESIST RADICAL TOGETHER - United conference in Budapest 2023

UNITED CONFERENCE IS BACK!!! In a rapidly changing world where political challenges and societal fractures seem to be intensifying, the power of connection, dialogue, and collective action cannot be underestimated. For years, UNITED conferences have stood as beacons of hope, arenas for exchange, and hubs of innovation. Yet, recent times, marked by the global pandemic,… Read more »